I was watching TV on my computer and wanted to watch it on the large TV. I asked my wife if she had any ideas. Her suggestion? Use the 360 so we can watch TV via the Media Center.
I was watching TV on my computer and wanted to watch it on the large TV. I asked my wife if she had any ideas. Her suggestion? Use the 360 so we can watch TV via the Media Center.
Deleted Scene from this episode: Windows Media Center with the Xbox 360
[blip.tv http://blip.tv/play/hpcpgobFCwA%2Em4v]
Did you know that we released a deleted scene from episode 06 of “This Old Nerd?” Yup, it’s right here. Yup, there’s an ad. I’m sorry – but it puts pennies in the coffer.
Thursday, I guested on “Tech News Today” alongside Scott Johnson and some guy named Tom.
I injured my back yesterday. Now I know that carrying a kid in one arm while trying to pick up a vacuum cleaner is a bad idea. 1st injury in 10 months.
I also have too many applications for media playback