04: Installing a home gym entertainment center » This Old Nerd

[blip.tv http://blip.tv/play/hpcpgoDYVwA%2Em4v]

So you’re getting older and you need to stay in shape. However, certain exercises can be very boring. Today’s episode shows you how to install an entertainment center in your home gym. We cover mounting a monitor to a wall, work arounds for connecting devices, building your brain power and more.

Download: HD (mp4) | SD (mp4)


Phone changes

Here we go: my old cell phone number is now ported to the Ooma. Now my iPhone 3G is a very slow iPod touch. Next up: pick up a new iPod touch and then a Virgin Wireless MiFi. 

I have a phone number via Google Voice now. Yes, I’ll still be able to receive text messages and calls to my new number via Google Voice + Skype. So if for some reason you’d like to contact me, you still can. 


End result: contract-less iPhone-esque device that I can replace whenever I want.