ChannelFlip Web:

Sure you can track certain things by notching your bedpost or just writing in a notebook – but you can do so much more with your data. ChannelFlip Web checks out Daytum. The site is supposed to allow you to organize your statistics like you would not believe.

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ChannelFlip Web: From the Vault Special
Kick back this week with a special episode of ChannelFlip Web. We’ve dug through the archives to find all kinds of outtakes and stuff that is downright embarrassing.

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Right now, I’m on day 2 or 3 on a reduced caffeine intake diet. We ran out of Coke Zero (my preferred cold caffeine delivery mechanism) probably because I was going through many 20 ounce bottles per day. Yep, I still have coffee in the morning (50/50 caf/decaf – although I should cut back).

Right now, the morning coffee has worn off and I’m down. I’m not depressed, just relaxed and a bit slow moving. I did an experiment like this a long time ago and most people were quite surprised how nothing really bothered me when I was without caffeine. 
Not sure if I’m a fan of the lack of caffeine, although it is pleasant. </end pointless communication>