The ChannelFlip Web Awards

It’s time for the first ever ChannelFlip Web Awards! Find out the best social networking site, the best music site, the sites we used the most (and the least) and lots more in this super-sized episode! We’ll see you next year!

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802.11ac with 1Gbps wireless speeds – yeah right

I’m sick of people pushing their theoretical maximum speeds for technologies that never actually achieve those speeds in real world situations. The only way you’ll get 1Gbps over the air with WiFi is when the theoretical maximum will be like 10Gbps.

Plus this is the same group that took around 7 years to standardize 802.11n. 7 years in real time is like a million years in tech-time.

</end nerd rant>

ChannelFlip Web:
Got photos that are less than perfect? No need to shell out money for photo editing software. Check out from the makers of the super-expensive Photoshop. Oh, and it’s free.

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