ChannelFlip Web:, your movie buddy

It has happened to every person who has seen a movie. Nature calls. What do you do? Do you run out and miss part of the movie? What if it’s important? is here to save the day. Is the site an awful looking blah website or is it a gorgeous Web 2.0 wonder? Find out in this episode of ChannelFlip Web.

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The sign says “Follow Signs.”

Several ideas:

  • Now if you follow signs, this sign will work.  If you don’t follow signs this won’t work.
  • It might as well say “Do as I say!”


Between my e-mail, RSS feeds, twitter, and facebook, I think I’ve managed to hit information overload.  It’s like a party.  When you’ve got a small enough group, you can all participate in discussion.  Get enough people in a space and it all turns to noise.

Monday, monday

Today’s episode of “Iyaz is stuck behind is desk” is brought to you by “My Wife’s Coffee.”  My Wife’s Coffee is good enough for me, so it’s definitely good enough for you.