Tech appetite

I read somewhere that you get hungrier when you watch ads pushing food or even when you have an abundance of food in the house.

Does the same apply with technology?  Do you want more tech if you have a bunch of tech in the house?  Does watching tech related programming cause technoloust?



Point & shoot camera with HD video capture?  This could be my best friend at trade shows replacing an older Canon point & shoot and a Kodzk Zi6.  I’d only need this and my phone with some kind of battery pack.



Time to replace the old Harmony 880.  Its buttons don’t work like they used (probably due to the fact the 880 has hit the floor about 100 times in its short life).  I’m shying away from the “dogbone” shaped 800s and going with the 720.

Update: Not so fast — just cleaned the contacts inside the 880 and it seems to work much better.  Now to figure out a better grip.