Whole home audio ideas

The goal: Have audio from home theater transmitted to other rooms.  The reproduced audio does not have to be great, but just enough to follow dialogue, sports, etc.

The problem: My receiver does not have a proper audio out.

Smart solution: A new receiver with audio out connected to a whole house FM transmitter.

Dumb solution: A baby monitor?  It can hear the audio and transmit it over.

CFW: Instructables.com


Today, we’re looking at Instructables.com. If you’re looking to build or hack something, this is one interesting site. They seem to have instructions on everything, but is the information any good? Find out in this episode of “ChannelFlip Web.”

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Permalink: FiniteComedy.com | ChannelFlip.com

Whole-home audio experiment

The goal: Hear audio from the TV in the kitchen or wherever else in the home without just blasting the audio using stuff I had laying around.

The attempt: Grabbed some FM transmitters I already owned to transmit audio to FM radios.

The result: No go.

Next revision: Not sure yet.

ChannelFlip Web: Videomaker


So you’ll make a bunch of videos using your phone or point and shoot camera.  You may even use a video camera for that.  But, do you know how to make compelling videos?  Check out Videomaker.com.  Does the site help?

Download: iPod/iPhone version (mp4) | HD version (m4v)

Subscribe: Subscribe and get the show automatically sent to you via the power of the Internet.
