Dinosaurs: Before They Were Fuels 024


Today on “Dinosaurs: Before They Were Fuels:” Get a tour of a dinosaur quarry, some dinosaur crimes, and watch free dinosaur videos online.

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Permalink (with news links): FiniteComedy.com



After playing with Windows 7, I’m 99% sure I’m picking up a Macbook Unibody sometime after WWDC.  Why?

While Windows 7 is pretty damn impressive, I’ve done so much work using my Mac Pro that I don’t think I want to relearn and refind applications.  I don’t need a Macbook Pro since I’ve got the Mac Pro for real video editing.

I figure the Macbook is a better value than the MBP.  What I use my laptop for: Internet access, image editing, occasional video editing, managing other computers on my network, and occasional Windows usage.