Cut and Paste Files: a “feature” of OS X 10.5?

Recently, on a Mac OS X user found a way to enable the “Cut” command in the Edit menu in Finder. Full tip can be found here. When enabled, the item you cut gets placed into the trash. It appears to be half-done.

I find it sad that there is no cut and paste ability by the Finder. I am not sure I understand what kind of demented logic refuses to give Mac users a simple cut and paste feature that has been available on Windows as long as I can remember (I’ve used Windows since 3.1). I am not looking forward to the touting of this new “feature” in OS X 10.5. It should not be a feature. It’s a necessity.

And while I’m ranting, give me two buttons with my trackpad. Using two fingers on the trackpad as a right-click or control click is a decent stop-gap solution. However, why not give the users two buttons on a laptop? I’ll even accept the idea that two buttons may confuse users. My solution – put two buttons on the “Pro” models and a rocker switch on the non-Pro. Just give me my right click and cut and paste features. Copy Windows, Apple. If Apple believes that a second mouse button will confuse the people who are shelling out $2000 for a laptop, they’ve got issues.