
I had read this Steve Ballmer interview where he was less than excited about Windows running on Macs. He said Microsoft should concentrate on Windows for “real PCs.” I think Microsoft is making a big mistake with their lackluster support for the Mac.

I’ve used Windows Media Center Edition. That’s a slick system. Throw that on a Mac. Slick hardware, slick software – that’s good. Additionally, I don’t see why Microsoft doesn’t make Media Center a software suite. Front Row is no Media Center. That’s right. I am suggesting that Microsoft sell Media Center for both Windows and Macs because Microsoft has this idea down. Hell, they should repackage the XBOX 360 interface and make it an OS or front end gaming software.

Microsoft is a software company and they should focus on making good software. The OS game is fun, but they should work on making programs that run on everything. If Macs can run anything, then Microsoft Office, Microsoft Media Center, and XBOX 360 should run on anything.

If Microsoft wants to stay on top, they should sell software to everyone.

Give me Media Center on a Mac. Hell, I’ll even take Windows Media Player 10 – it’s a much better video player than iTunes is (for now).

Microsoft needs to think less micro, but more “Mac-ro.” How about it Macrosoft?

3 OS’s

3 OS'sI went ahead and installed XP and Ubuntu Linux on my MacBook Pro. I'm not proficient with Linux yet, and I figure that I could learn Linux on my Mac. When I first experimented with Linux I just didn't understand how to install programs. Now, I can test out how to install programs. Also, with XP installed, I am able to use Hamachi with its GUI goodness.