29 Days in California


29 days ago, we relocated to California so I could start work at TWiT.tv. A lot of people have asked how we’re adjusting to the coastal shift, so here’s a post.

The adjustment hasn’t been that strange. Petaluma is very similar to Randolph, Vermont (we had lived there while at Vermont Law School). It’s a small town with nice people. My mental picture of what California should look like doesn’t match with Petaluma. There aren’t palm trees everywhere and it isn’t always 72 degrees. 

On top of that, working at TWiT has been great. I already knew most of the people there before I started, so the awkward introductions were kept to a minimum. Getting used to working with people in real life instead of on Skype took some getting used to. The whole thing has been a bit surreal, but I’m becoming more comfortable.

So that’s where we are now.