Decommissioned Computers

Currently, I have access to six computers that do not do anything. Five PC’s and one PowerMac G4. My schedule doesn’t really permit me to do anything with them that is too intensive. Hak.5 has some great ideas like making an old PC into a NAS. That may be a good idea to try during the Thanksgiving break.

Limiting factors of my usage of the older computers:

Physical space. These are big, honking mini-towers. It would be nice to learn to mod computers using these things or put them in something like a coffee table or something.

Lack of Networking. There’s no point in saving an old computer that doesn’t have access to my network or Internet access. In the perfect world, my house would be wired with Ethernet cable everywhere. Unfortunately, I’m not in the perfect world just yet. Wireless networking is a lousy option.

I’m cheap. I don’t want to throw too much money into older hardware. If the costs get too high, it would just make more sense to pick up another Mac mini.

There’s a lack of time. I am currently a student (in what should be my final year of formal education) and this last year of work is intensive. I become obsessive when I start working on projects, so starting a “quick project” could become a lost weekend.

Speaking of lack of time, I’d better get to work.

White Electrical Tape

I’ve owned a MacBook Pro for a couple of months and the MagSafe AC Adapter is coming a part slightly. The magnet part and the wire that attaches to it are separating very very slightly. I hate minor things like that.

I repaired it with some electrical tape. My nice, white cord has some black tape on it. I know that white electrical tape already exists. I’m surprised it hasn’t been marketed as iTape or iRepair or something like that. I have yet to see that product.

With so many products having white cables these days (like headphones), I wouldn’t be surprised to see simple electrical tape with claims such as “Mac Compatible” or “Works with iPod.”

Digital Picture Frames

I have been interested in digital picture frames for a while. For some time now, I’ve hated stuff. I hate having big books with pictures in them. So I’ve looked into digital picture frames and a lot of DIY projects by transforming a laptop.

I can see the benefits of reusing a laptop. You could update the photos with wi-fi and remotely access a computer you have hanging on the wall. That’s great, but I had an even dumber idea than repurposing a laptop.

DVD players have gotten tremendously cheap. I’m thinking I could take a DVD player, either a portable one with a screen, or hook up a small DVD player to a cheap LCD (like a 5 inch XBOX or PlayStation LCD) and use it to show photos.

I could probably just throw a bunch of photos into iMovie and make a slideshow and set it to repeat. Some of these DVD players even have remotes, so not only do you have a cheap Digital Picture Frame, but you have a remote control, too.

Plus, I could throw small pieces of home movies onto the disc. If you put this together, you still have a decent DVD player. I’m thinking that a shadow box could hold all of the components easily. You would just have to mount the devices in the shadow box.

Even easier, I’ve seen some new portable DVD players that have tablet PC style hinges that let you turn the screen around or fold it over to have it in tablet form. Each DVD Player-based Digital Picture Frame (or just one frame and lots of DVDs) could serve as an album. One DVD player’s a wedding album, another is childhood photos, etc.

Click here for my links for Digital Picture Frame Projects.