Interrup-Tech or something clever

Yet another idea for a podcast – anyone want to do one?

After listening to episode 75 of TWiT, I realized that TWiT was becoming like ESPN’s The Sports Reporters – just a bunch of people yammering on way too long on topics. What we need is a Pardon the Interruption Style show where the topics are relegated to a certain amount of time.

Anyone interested in doing this show? Maybe once a week?

E-mail me:


Anyone interested in doing a vidcast?

While listening to the Maccast, I wondered if there were a podcast that explains Mac-hacks, tricks, AppleScript and Automator – using the Mac to its fullest. Now, I like MacBreak, but at times it is so software-centric, I think they aren’t using the AppleScript and Automator functions enough. This new podcast would be like Hak.5 (hence Mac.5 – a working title).

iChat AV (we could figure a way to record the iChat AV session)
General Interest in Mac-hackery
Animation skills? Dunno.

E-mail me at Let’s talk about it.