Killing Time 036: The Sultan Returns!

A big thank you to Adam Christianson over at the Maccast. Thanks for being on the show and that excellent blog posting promoting your guest spot.

I.A. and J.B. chit chat a bit before getting their act together and starting a Michael Keaton heavy “Stump the Sultan of Some Cinema.” Enjoy.

Direct Download: Killing Time 036

No links today. Go Google the stuff.

File Size: 4.09MB – so small that you’d be a fool not to download it!
Duration: 8 Minutes and 56 Seconds. You could listen to it in an elevator between floors (if you take a really old elevator or it gets stuck which we would never hope for. Good luck).

Killing Time 020: Fighting into 2007

Direct Download: Killing Time 020.
Trouble getting the episode? Visit KillingTime.TV

Once Bitten vs. Real Genius. It’s a fight for the ages as I.A. and J.B. clash over movies that came out in 1985 and are constantly aired during all sorts of rain delays. A snappy 10:14. A healthy 4.6MB. Enjoy.